Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I do not want to raise your kids!

I have a set of girls in my classroom that are awful to each other. They are mean, self-centered, arrogant, and soft hearted. So, every day I'm reteaching these girls trust, self esteem, kindness, and many other really important qualities that don't seem to come to mind at the moment (give me another hour to encounter the next meltdown and I'll list a new set of qualities I will have to reinforce). I have a hard enough time dealing with curriculum, scheduling, management, etc., to deal with emotions. So, I don't want to raise your kids! Spare me the parental role and let me methodically cram more information into their spongelike heads...

P.S. I really don't hate doing these things, it is just too draining to deal with your own family, not to mention 23 or so other 7 year olds.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Second Grade?

Hmmm.... Well, an event less summer ended with a last minute application and a long shot job interview that landed me here. Where is here? Kuna - Second grade - Teacher... To be honest, I was preparing myself for a semi-depressing life working dead end jobs and praying to get off work every day so I could go home and enjoy my family. But, a 7-day excursion in a kayak changed everything I was sinking toward. My student teaching year was so dreadful that I nearly became a walking textbook case of PSTDD (Post Student Teaching Depression Disorder - and no, there is not a textbook description of this disorder... there should be). After the week was over I was emotionally, physically, and spiritually rejuvenated. So, luckily I got a job teacing second grade, which I love!